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Onsite Operational Assessment

Find massive, additional profitability with an Operational Assessment. Throughout the Operational Assessment, the VIRATA Group will dial in on your current state by collecting your baseline to understand both current state performance and future state potential. The conducted Operational Assessment looks at the following aspects of the business; manufacturing, warehousing, scheduling, supply chain, and quality. An Action Plan with a timeline is the product of the Assessment, which highlights what steps to take to incur additional profits. Typical improvement findings of an operation are in the range of 15% to 40%.

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Comprehensive Profit Roadmap

This service will provide you with a tailored, executable Operational (Production, Warehouse, Quality), Supply Chain, and Corporate strategy to increase your company’s profits. Targeted increase in profits is between 6 and 7 figures, annually. A comprehensive survey relative to your business' pain points and current state will be provided to kick-start the engagement.

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Operational Profit Roadmap

This service will provide you with a tailored, executable Operational strategy (Production, Warehouse, Quality) to increase your company’s profits. Targeted increase in profits is between 6 and 7 figures, annually. An Operational survey relative to your business' pain points and current state will be provided to kick-start the engagement.

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Supply Chain Profit Roadmap

This service will provide you with a tailored, executable Supply Chain strategy to increase your company’s profits. Targeted increase in profits is between 6 and 7 figures, annually. A Supply Chain survey relative to your business' pain points and current state will be provided to kick-start the engagement.



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  • Better Better
  • Jack Chown